Sunday, November 27, 2005

Personal Development

For the past couple of days I got immersed into reading the excellent Personal Development articles by Steve Pavlina. He has shared his rich experienced insights on a wide array of topics that one could ask for.

I have joined his Million Dollar Experiment and I put forward my intention:
"In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention."

To learn more about Million Dollar Experiment click here.

Excellent Music

I stumbled upon Hari Sivaramakrishnan MusicalMusings blog! Wow what a great musician... You should definite have a click on his Vande Mataram Composition..

Also visit their F6 Project site at htpp://