Thursday, December 13, 2012

Who is God ? Where is he ? - Anbe Sivam

Inspirational Tamil video where Sri Sri Ravishankar explains Anbe Shivam.  He explains why it is tough to be Atheist.  He also talks about the reasons for idol worship among others.  Must watch this paradigm shifting video

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Are you on the right bus?

Facebook (FB) is at challenging times to monetize even though they have a huge user-base. Similarly there are several people trying to get their message out.

Today, I for the first time clicked on a Facebook AD which read something like: “Do you like Deepak Chopra then you will like What the hell are you chasing?”. I know Deepak never wrote a book like this but I was curious so I clicked on the link and it took me to Andrew Roberts page. He has written this book and the core message is follow your heart and he tells the story of how he realized he was on the wrong path and how he brought about the transformation. He solved the problem of getting his message by putting out of this creative ad (the message) and in the process he also targeted the right audience.

BTW, I received an email from Stanford Technology Ventures about a course on Creativity by Tina Seelig. Its offered on-line and its free. There are also other courses on Entrepreneurship. Click here if you would like to sign-up.